Saturday, September 7, 2024

Sheriff’s Office honored with Battle of the Badges award


The Hood County Sheriff’s Office was awarded a shiny new trophy Tuesday for its exemplary participation in the county’s annual Battle of the Badges blood drive.

For the past five years, Hood County Youth Services has held a Battle of the Badges blood drive in a friendly competition to see which law enforcement agency can recruit the most blood donors.

During a regularly scheduled Hood County Commissioners Court meeting July 9, Debbie Grover, field recruiter for Carter BloodCare, announced that the HCSO was crowned the winner of the Battle of the Badges — receiving the title, trophy and bragging rights as the ultimate prize.

"I just want to let y'all know what an amazing job they did,” Grover said. “This year we collected 85 pints of blood in one day, (which) can help up to 255 patients in need." She added that the blood drive also brought in 18 first-time donors.

Since the Battle of the Badges began in Hood County, Grover said Carter BloodCare has collected 425 units of blood, which can assist 1,275 patients in need.

"We could not do what we do without these generous volunteers,” she added. “They use their own time and the people that come in and donate blood, they do it on their own time. I truly appreciate every single one. Hood County is amazing for coming out and donating blood and thank you to the Hood County Youth Services. They are an amazing group.”