Saturday, September 7, 2024

First United Methodist Church Granbury welcomes Rev. Craig Clark


The congregation of Granbury First United Methodist Church welcomes Rev. Craig Clark as their new pastor. Clark brings with him a rich tapestry of life experiences and a profound commitment to ministry. His journey to the pulpit is marked by a significant career shift: He transitioned from the specialty chemical industry, where he spent 15 years, to answering a higher calling into ministry.

The North Texas and Central Texas conferences will merge into the Horizons conference on Jan 1st, 2025. Clark explained, “Our Bishop and the cabinet appointed me across conference lines from North Texas to Central Texas to serve as Pastor at Granbury First.”

Clark’s wife, Christina, joins him in this new chapter, and both have expressed their gratitude for the warm welcome they have received from the Granbury community.

Clark’s path to the ministry began after years of teaching Sunday school and leading an intensive 36-week Disciples Bible study.  His active engagement in prison ministry further affirmed the call. “Listening to someone’s story of struggle and sharing God’s unconditional love can create a powerful shift in their lives,” he said.


“I’ve always felt a deep calling towards prison ministry,” Clark shared, “A few years ago, a church family reached out to me about their daughter, Samantha, who had been arrested during a meth house raid. In her early twenties, abandoned by her friends, and at rock bottom due to addiction, Samantha’s life was marked by heartbreak and poor choices.

“The county jail allowed me to visit often, and when I first met Samantha, she was guarded and skeptical. However, her eyes revealed pain, regret, and a flicker of hope. She shared her story of turning to meth to numb her sorrow and being betrayed by friends who left her to face the consequences alone.

"Moved by her story, I told her the parable of the Prodigal Son, emphasizing God’s unconditional love. Tears streamed down her face as she asked, 'Do you really think God could love someone like me?' I assured her, Absolutely. God’s love knows no bounds. You are His beloved child, and He is waiting for you with open arms.

"We prayed together, and I saw hope in her eyes. This encounter reaffirmed my belief that the church’s role is to model Christ-like love—being inclusive, non-judgmental, and welcoming to all. By embodying this love, we can inspire others and create a ripple effect of positive change."


As he steps into his new role, Craig Clark is driven by a clear vision to make disciples and grow the church in numbers and spiritual depth. His approach centers on three key areas.

First, Clark aims to build a supportive community within the church. He plans to foster a strong sense of belonging through small groups, community events, and personal engagement. “Every member should feel valued and connected,” Clark said, emphasizing the importance of creating an environment of mutual support and deeper relationships.

Second, discipleship and spiritual growth are at the heart of Clark’s mission. He intends to offer various opportunities for spiritual development, including Bible studies, workshops, and mentorship programs. “Encouraging active and intentional engagement with faith is crucial,” Clark noted, expressing his hope to nurture a vibrant and committed congregation.

Third, Clark highlights the importance of community engagement and outreach. He believes in looking beyond the church walls to engage with the broader community. By identifying and addressing local needs through outreach initiatives, partnerships with local organizations, and community service projects, Clark aims to demonstrate Christ’s love in practical ways. “Our mission is to serve and make a positive impact on the community,” he said.

Clark’s comprehensive approach reflects his commitment to fostering a dynamic and inclusive church that grows in both numbers and spiritual depth.


Clark understands the significant challenges facing the United Methodist Church, including navigating differing views on social issues and attracting younger members. He believes in working towards unity while respecting diverse perspectives and finding ways to make church services and programs relevant and engaging for younger generations.

One of his strategies includes leveraging technology to expand the church’s reach. By developing a solid online presence through streaming services, social media, and digital resources, Clark hopes to connect with a broader audience and cater to those unable to attend in person.

As he embarks on his journey with Granbury First United Methodist Church, Clark shares a message of hope, unity, and commitment to growth. He encourages the congregation to engage with the community, share their stories of faith and transformation, and embrace spiritual and communal growth opportunities.

Clark emphasizes the importance of unity and love, urging the church to celebrate diversity and find common ground in shared faith. He calls on the congregation to be open to personal and communal transformation and focus on discipleship and compassionate service.

Beyond his pastoral duties, Clark brings a personal touch to his ministry. He enjoys Rangers baseball, being a grandfather, spending time with his Golden Retriever Penny, flying kites, remote-controlled airplanes, and college football.

Under the leadership of Craig Clark, Granbury First United Methodist Church anticipates a future rich with spiritual growth, community engagement, and a strengthened sense of unity and purpose. Clark said, “Together, we aim to build strong, lasting relationships that enrich our lives and those of the people around us. As Jesus said, ‘You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden” (Matthew 5:14, NIV).”