Saturday, September 7, 2024

Councilman Overdier honored with Leadership Fellow Award


Granbury City Council honored its newest council member, Gary “Skip” Overdier, Tuesday night with the Leadership Fellow Award from the Texas Municipal League.

Located in Austin, the TML exists to provide legal, legislative and training services to city governments in Texas.

“They are a support organization that supports member cities across the state, and they have a training program for newly elected and elected officials,” City Manager Chris Coffman said during the meeting. “It's a 40-hour course, takes place over a five-day period, and it was scattered out over two months, but we want to recognize councilmember Skip Overdier for accomplishing the training. He's got the Leadership Fellow Award, and we want to present that to him tonight and thank him for his educational endeavors to be all that he can be as a council member."

Coffman then explained that the training is in-depth, and said he looks forward to having Overdier share what he learned with other council members.

"Maybe we can send more people in the future,” he added.

Overdier accepted the Leadership Fellow Award and said that throughout his campaign last year, he always keyed in on the idea that to be a member of the Granbury City Council, “you need to be a leader.”

"I've been to a lot of leadership training throughout the years, but I will say that every leadership class that I've gone to — and especially including this one — you'll always learn something new. I don't care how old you are, how experienced you are or how much of a leader you are,” he said. “This was a great class, there were a lot of great people, and it was a good experience.”

He also said he believes the training should be recommended for every council member, as the program was open to individuals in all types of careers.

"It's a good program and I would encourage everybody to look into it,” Overdier added.