Saturday, September 7, 2024

Celebrate the Heroes


Wednesday, May 15, is National Peace Officers Memorial Day. National Peace Officers Memorial Day was signed into law in 1962 by President John F. Kennedy to honor federal, state and municipal officers killed or disabled in the line of duty.

The Hood County Commissioner’s Court recognizes May 12-18 as National Police Week. On May 11, county-wide ‘Thank yous’ went out to local law enforcement and EMS branches.

Gratitude and appreciation go out to the following fallen heroes of Hood County:

Sergeant Lance Allen “Lou” McLean, who died June 29, 2013; Deputy Sheriff Larry John Miller, who died Jan. 27, 1992; and Jailer James M. Truitt, who died Tuesday, July 20, 1886.

There are a variety of ways to celebrate the sacrifices these officers have made. You can participate in a gathering for a candlelight vigil, light a candle at home in their memory, and/or fly the flag at half mast. Alternatively, reaching out to local officers to say “Thank you” in person or by mail is a kind gesture of appreciation.

“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” — Joseph Campbell, American author.

More information can be found at (Proclamation 3537—Peace Officers Memorial Day and Police Week | The American Presidency Project (