Sunday, June 30, 2024

Granbury PD welcomes new deputy chief of police


On Monday, June 17, Garrett Wiginton was promoted to deputy chief of police at the Granbury Police Department. With over 16 years of law enforcement experience, Wiginton is set to bring his extensive knowledge and dedication to his new leadership role.

“I am excited and grateful for the opportunity to serve as the deputy chief of police for the Granbury Police Department,” said Wiginton, reflecting on his promotion. Since joining the department in 2008, Wiginton has held key positions such as patrol officer, patrol sergeant, and, for the past seven years, patrol lieutenant, overseeing the patrol division’s daily operations. Additionally, Wiginton has dedicated 13 years to the regional SWAT team and has 10 years of service in the United States Army Reserves.

Wiginton acknowledges his new role encompasses the entire department. “As deputy chief, my responsibilities will include overseeing the operations of the patrol division, criminal investigative unit, and the administrative section. (I will be) working closely with division commanders to meet the chief’s intent on operations, as well as city leadership and community expectations for our agency,” he explained.

Three core principles — accountability, grace and servant leadership — form the bedrock of Wiginton’s philosophy. “True servant leadership is always placing the needs of others before your own,” Wiginton noted. He is resolute in applying these principles to foster a supportive and efficient department, where each individual's needs are valued, and the collective goals are achieved.

As deputy chief, Wiginton’s primary goal is to assist Chief Mitch Galvan with implementing organizational objectives and continuing to build on an identity of family, community and professionalism. “Chief Galvan has done an excellent job of instilling these values within our department, and I look forward to the opportunity to continue building on that identity,” he said.

One of Wiginton’s key initiatives is maintaining and enhancing public trust and safety through transparency, openness and community involvement. “We benefit from a public trust that many other agencies nationwide are not as fortunate to have. Maintaining that trust requires continuous engagement with the community,” he emphasized.

Addressing the department’s challenges, Wiginton highlighted the importance of maintaining public support amid the city’s rapid growth and tackling the nationwide issue of recruiting qualified law enforcement officers. “To address these challenges, we must seize every opportunity to engage with our community and continue building that relationship. We also need to modernize our recruiting strategies to attract qualified applicants,” he said.

Reflecting on his career, Wiginton finds the camaraderie among his colleagues to be the most rewarding aspect. “There is a special connection you build with people,” he shared, “when you have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with them and faced the darkness together.

“I would also like to express my gratitude to my beautiful wife, Amber.” said Wiginton, “Her unwavering support throughout my career has been instrumental in reaching this milestone. While officers are frequently recognized for serving the community, their spouses are unsung heroes. They quietly support their partners, managing the challenges of missed birthdays and holidays and leaving the house when the phone rings in the middle of the night — keeping everything together behind the scenes.”

Wiginton encourages college and high school students to consider a career in law enforcement if they feel called to this profession. “Pursue it relentlessly,” he advises. “Look into departments you’re interested in and do ride-alongs if you’re over 18. Make sure that the department’s culture meets your expectations. In the meantime, work as hard in your current position as you would in your dream department. Often, we have people who apply for work with a poor work history or a pattern of poor decision-making, and we have to pass on their applications. Set yourself up for success by having the highest moral character and being a model employee.”

Wiginton’s inspiration for choosing a career in law enforcement was his father, who served in the field for 35 years. “It was a culture I was immersed in my whole life. I saw everything he was a part of, like the dive team, swift water rescue and the SWAT team,” said Wiginton. “However, I also saw the other side of law enforcement, where he could positively impact and truly minister to others. I remember one time Dad ran into a family who couldn’t afford their kids’ presents right before Christmas. He and some other officers bought Christmas presents for them out of their pocket, and I got to ride with him to deliver them to the parents on Christmas Eve without the kids knowing. At around 10 years old, I knew then that I wanted to do the same thing when I grew up.”

In his spare time, Wiginton enjoys playing sports with his kids and helping coach their youth leagues, working out at Community Fitness Granbury, and doing almost anything outdoors. “We enjoy going camping, mountain biking and fishing. I’m pretty sure my kids go camping just for the s’mores, though,” he says.

The Granbury community eagerly awaits Deputy Chief Wiginton’s positive impact as he continues the organization’s tradition of excellence. Under his leadership, the department aims to meet community expectations while embodying the principles of service and commitment Wiginton values deeply.