Thursday, September 19, 2024

Five ways to make your office a happier place — according to science!


Let’s face it — most of us spend a significant chunk of our lives at work, so why shouldn’t it be enjoyable? In fact, adding a dash of fun to the workplace can make you more productive, less stressed and even healthier. Studies show that happier employees tend to work harder, collaborate better and stick around longer. The good news? It doesn’t take much to sprinkle some fun into your office routine.

Here are five science-backed strategies to transform your workspace from mundane to magical:


If your office is pet-friendly, consider bringing along your furry companion. Pets, especially dogs, have been proven to reduce stress and boost happiness. Just their presence can lead to the release of oxytocin, the so-called “love hormone” that reduces anxiety and promotes feelings of well-being.

Imagine how much lighter the mood would be when a wagging tail or a cute face pops into a meeting. Pet-friendly offices also encourage casual interactions and bonding moments between employees. However, always ensure that everyone is comfortable with animals, and be mindful of any allergies or phobias.

Why it works: Studies show pets help reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure and increase feelings of connectedness. Plus, they add an element of unpredictability that can break up the monotony of a typical workday.


It might sound simple, but sharing lunch with coworkers can improve office morale. Often, we get caught in the cycle of eating at our desks, hunched over our computers, but this can lead to burnout and isolation. By eating lunch together, you’re not just nourishing your body, but you’re also fostering connections and strengthening team bonds.

A group lunch is an ideal opportunity to unwind, share stories and step away from work-related stress. It breaks down barriers and can even spark new ideas and collaborations that wouldn't have surfaced otherwise.

Why it works: Studies indicate that socializing over food helps reduce stress, build trust, and foster a sense of community in the workplace. Plus, it’s a nice break from work.


Bring in the plants! Research has shown that greenery in the office can significantly boost productivity and improve your mood. Plants purify the air, provide a more aesthetically pleasing environment, and even make your space feel more refreshing and alive.

A few potted plants here and there, or even a desk plant of your own, can work wonders. If you really want to take things up a notch, start an office garden or assign someone to bring in fresh flowers every week.

Why it works: Studies suggest that plants in the office can increase productivity by up to 15%. They also reduce stress and make the space feel more welcoming and vibrant.


Who doesn't love a good snack? Keeping a well-stocked office snack stash can inject a little fun into the workday and give everyone a much-needed energy boost. Dark chocolate, for instance, is not only a delicious treat but also has proven health benefits like improving focus and lowering stress levels.

Encourage your colleagues to chip in for a communal snack box or take turns bringing in treats to share. Whether it’s fresh fruit, trail mix or granola bars, having a stash of goodies available can turn a mid-afternoon slump into a mini celebration.

Why it works: Studies have shown that the right snacks — especially those rich in antioxidants, like dark chocolate — can improve cognitive function, mood and energy levels.


It’s easy to get stuck in the daily grind, staring at screens and breathing in stale office air. However, studies suggest that taking regular outdoor breaks can work wonders for your brain and body. A quick walk outside not only improves concentration and mood but also releases endorphins — the body's natural "feel-good" chemicals.

You don’t need a full hour-long break; even five to ten minutes of fresh air can reset your mind and leave you feeling recharged. Encourage your team to head outside for walking meetings or brainstorming sessions. A change of scenery can often lead to a change in perspective, sparking creativity and reducing stress.

Why it works: Fresh air, coupled with natural sunlight, boosts endorphins, improves focus and can lead to increased productivity.


Creating a fun and positive work environment doesn’t have to involve drastic changes or big budgets. By incorporating small but thoughtful activities — like bringing in pets, adding plants, sharing meals and enjoying snacks.  — you can make a huge difference in how your team feels day to day.

Remember, a happy team is a productive team. Injecting a little bit of fun into your office routine can go a long way toward improving morale, increasing engagement and reducing stress. After all, work should be more than just a place to grind — it should be a place where people thrive.

So go ahead and make your workplace a little more fun. Your team and productivity levels will thank you!