Thursday, September 19, 2024

Courtney Gore to be recognized by Friends of Public Schools


Three Texans will be honored by the Friends of Texas Public Schools for championing public education and public-school children in Texas Nov. 13 at the 20th annual Friend of the Year Awards Dinner in Waco.

The Texans receiving awards this year are: Dr. Lizzy Johnson – Texas Public Schools 2024 Friend of the Year, Courtney Gore – Texas Public Schools 2024 Ambassador of the Year and Harvey Kronberg – Friends of Texas Public Schools 2024 Distinguished Service Award.

“Texans need to know their children and tax dollars are in good hands, which is quite contrary to the misinformation, disinformation and politicization they see, read and hear from politicians, talking heads, podcasters, keyboard warriors and other media,” says Scott Milder, founder of Friends of Texas Public Schools.

Friends of Texas Public Schools is a nonprofit dedicated to restoring pride, faith and confidence in Texas Public Schools by shining a light on the many great things happening in neighborhood public schools across Texas.

“My wife Leslie and I founded this organization 20 years ago because, as a high school teacher herself, she was sick and tired of being picked on,” Milder said. “The public narrative about our public schools was and remains overwhelmingly negative. We wanted to lift up those rare Texans with the courage to step up on behalf of our public schools, speak truth to power, and defend the honor of our educators. The best of us dedicate their lives to serving this great state through our public schools. That’s why we created these awards.”

Friends of Texas Public Schools 2024 Texas Public Schools Ambassador of the Year honoree is Courtney Gore, school board Trustee, Granbury ISD. This award was established to shine a light on outstanding, inspiring individuals working from within the system to improve the public's perceptions of their public schools by sharing accurate information, dispelling myths, celebrating achievements, lifting the spirits of their fellow educators, and making sure communities know their children and tax dollars are in good hands.

"Courtney's work as a Granbury ISD trustee defending the honor of her school district and educators against the political forces working to undermine their good work is courageous, inspiring, and just," said Milder. "Integrity and open-mindedness are rare qualities in today's echo-chamber culture. We are moved by her journey of discovery about what's myth versus reality in our Texas public schools and, most importantly, her desire to correct those who are misinformed."

"I am beyond grateful for this recognition. It reaffirms my commitment to championing the rights of every child to receive a quality education," said Gore. "Together, we can continue to create a brighter future, ensuring that all students have the opportunities they deserve to thrive and succeed. Thank you for acknowledging the importance of our collective efforts in promoting our Texas public schools!"

Past honorees include distinguished individuals such as Tom Frost of Frost Bank, Charles Butt of H-E-B, Gena and Chuck Norris, Chris Wallace of the North Texas Commission, Diane Ravitch, Pam and Gary Vandeaver, and Dr. Bob Thompson of the Thompson Executive Leadership Institute.

Additional information is available at

Courtney Gore, Friends of Public School, Public School Ambassador of the Year