Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Supporting local government



As the distance between voters and the 2022 elections gets shorter, many in House District 60 are focused intently on the statewide, congressional, and state legislative races. With a showdown between Governor Greg Abbott and Beto O’Rourke on the horizon, as well as a chance to take back the United States House of Representatives, Texas Republicans are more fired up more than ever at the ballot box. However, in the midst of the campaign season, I want to draw some attention away from those races to the most important group of public servants in the state: your local officials.


Out of all offices up for election, it is no secret the leaders at both the state and county levels are some of the hardest working and least appreciated aspects of government. Many of these local leaders have close, one-to-one connections with their constituents, often put in long hours to keep communities growing, and are the most directly accountable to the voters.

With their close ties, local leaders have the most significant insight on what policies and programs will do the best at the most direct level. Due to their small size and proximity to voters, members of the public are often a staple at city or county open meetings. Unlike the state or federal government, politics at the local level are also more responsive to public pressure. Tax measures, such as bonds or abatements, are either handed directly to taxpayers for approval or by officeholders who live nearby, not big government bureaucrats. Most local races are non-partisan, a political breath of fresh air, as it allows your leaders to make choices based on the good of the community, not national political machinery.


However, in rural and suburban areas, many municipalities, counties and school districts lack the necessary resources enjoyed by those in the major metropolitan areas. Local leaders are asked to do more with less, and anywhere from hundreds to thousands of people rely on them to get the job done. This means that many of your local officials, elected and appointed, have to find creative ways to achieve results in their community. In areas like House District 60, these officials play a vital role in championing local interests to Austin.


During the 87th Legislative Session, I collaborated directly with local leaders across House District 60 to create legislation for those specific communities that would not have been possible without their support. In fact, my first two bills in the House, House Bill 1471 to restore unused land to Stephens County to be developed, and House Bill 1554, to create greater economic development opportunities in Brown County, were suggested and fought for by local governments. The championing of interests by these offices also goes further than just filing legislation. During my first session, alongside help from Hood County, TxDOT announced an expansion to Highway 377 to better support our rapidly growing counties. The constant communication between our towns, school districts, and subdivisions enables legislators to be effective in creating pro-local policies that have immediate personal impacts.


Unfortunately, the day-to-day workload levied on local governments alongside the breakneck pace of the Texas Legislature creates barriers for many rural communities to retain that voice. Organizations such as the Texas Municipal League (TML), Texas Association of School Boards (TASB), and Texas Association of Counties (TAC) have been working for years to educate, equip, fund, and unite Texas communities to bridge the power divide between rural, suburban, and metropolitan areas. Texas Municipal League alone has over 1,200 member cities, with around 70% of their membership coming from towns with a population under 5,000. These organizations collect dues from member cities, and this approach allows municipalities to pool together resources to remain competitive with the major cities like Dallas, Austin, and Houston. TML, TASB and TAC then use those funds to provide up-to-date legal counsel, economic development assistance, and create pro-local legislative agendas which allow Austin and Washington legislators to know how laws will help or hurt your community.

Sadly, there has been a concerted push in recent years to eradicate these organizations and force rural and suburban cities and counties to fend for themselves when championing your needs to Austin. Some want to go further and ban any official, elected or otherwise, from testifying or having input on legislation that will impact their community unless they pay personally. At a time when the beliefs of our nation are under siege, there are interests that want to drown out your community values in Austin. Instead of being a direct pipeline to your Representatives, Senators, and Congressmen, your local leaders will be left disarmed and silenced. With over 7,000 bills to be considered during the legislative session, we need access to immediate, accurate information from our local leaders. With most legislators representing urban areas, rural Texan cannot afford to be without an organized voice on their issues.

From city managers to Justices of the Peace, our local leaders do the essential job of keeping the streets safe, water flowing, and values maintained. It is more critical now to elect officeholders that will defend your community’s right to local control in Austin and are unafraid to stand up to those who seek to suppress the voice of your community.