Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Go Play! Calendar August 31, 2024



Go Play calendar will feature recurring activities that are open to the public. These items will run each week along with other activities across the area. Submit Go Play listings to and include the day, date, time and location — including street address.


The Granbury Disc Golf Club has mini tournaments every Sunday at 2 p.m. at 600 W. Moore St. Welcoming all levels of disc golfers. Show up at least 15 minutes early to pay the $12 entry fee and warm up.


Healthy Connections exercise classes: 9 a.m. exercise (strength and balance); 10 a.m. Tai Chi; 10:30 a.m. exercise (strength and balance); 11 a.m. Tai Chi/Pilates; 5 p.m. yoga. 1321 Waters Edge Drive, Suite 1001. Details: 817-579-2979.

Granbury Bridge Club will hold an ACBL-sanctioned duplicate bridge game at noon each week at the Acton Methodist Church, 3433 Fall Creek Highway, Granbury, 76049. Entry $8/person. All are welcome, come with a partner and compete for ACBL masterpoints. Information and reservations: 225-933-4074.

Sons of the American Legion Post 491 of Granbury Burger Night, 5-7 p.m. at American Legion Post, 3409 Davis Road. Funds raised are used to support veteran and community youth programs. Open to members and guests. Details: 515-554-6498.

Granbury Civic Chorus — rehearsals, Mondays 7-9 p.m. at Acton Methodist Church, 3433 Fall Creek Highway. Concerts in May and December. See for schedule and activities. Questions: Come join us!

Forward Training Center “Cisco” classes from 6-8:30 p.m. To sign up email or call 817-573-6677.


Healthy Connections classes: 8:30 a.m. Weight Watchers (join at; 9 a.m. yoga (private class, reservation only); 10:30 a.m. yoga (private class, reservation only); 1:30 p.m. line dancing; 5:15 p.m. Weight Watchers (join at; 6 p.m. Granbury clogger nights (watch or join). 1321 Waters Edge Drive, Suite 1001. Details: 817-579-2979.

Granbury Jam Session 7:30-10:30 p.m. at Brock’s Food and Drink, 4012 Acton Highway. Bring your instrument or get up and sing. Details: 505-710-5100.

Amateur Radio Weekly Social Hour Net. All licensed amateur radio operators welcome. 7 p.m., on the 147.240 MHz Repeater, +600 offset, PL 162.2.


Hand and Foot card game day. 10 a.m.; Dominoes (Mexican Train) 11 a.m. Healthy Connections, 1321 Waters Edge Drive, Suite 1001. Details: 817-579-2979.

Healthy Connections classes: 9 a.m. exercise class; 10 a.m. Mahjong; 10 a.m. cards; 11 a.m. dominoes. 1321 Waters Edge Drive, Suite 1001. Details: 817-579-2979.


Healthy Connections: 10 a.m. Tai Chi; 10:30 a.m. exercise; 11 a.m. Tai Chi/Pilates; 5 p.m. yoga (private class, reservation only). 1321 Waters Edge Drive, Suite 1001. Details: 817-579-2979.

Chess Club, 6-9 p.m. at YMCA, 1475 James Road. U.S. Chess Affiliate, all ages and skill levels, children 10 and under must be accompanied by adult. Y membership not required. Details:

General Trivia, 7-9 p.m. at Brew Drinkery, 206 E. Pearl Street. Prizes and fun. Use your phone to play. Free.

The Granbury Disc Golf Club has mini tournaments every Thursday at 5:30 p.m. at 600 W. Moore St. Welcoming all levels of disc golfers. Show up at least 15 minutes early to pay the $12 entry fee and warm up.

Melody Bells singers of Granbury, women’s choral group, seeks new members who love to sing 3-part harmony, especially first or second soprano. Also seeking experienced piano accompanist. Weekly Thursday rehearsals for Christmas concert season start Aug. 29, 10 a.m. to noon, at First Presbyterian Church Memorial Hall (the Annex), 301 W. Bridge St. Concerts performed during first two weeks of December. For more information, please call 817-999-1364.


Healthy Connections: 9 a.m. exercise. 1321 Waters Edge Drive, Suite 1001. Details: 817-579-2979.


Hood County Hummers Walking Club, 8 a.m., meets every Saturday at Hilton Garden Inn, 635 E. Pearl St., for 5K or 10K walk for fun, fellowship and fitness. Details: 972-567-3278.

Healthy Connections: 10:30 a.m. yoga. 1321 Waters Edge Drive, Suite 1001. Details: 817-579-2979.

First Mondays

Hood County Amateur Radio Club meets on the first Monday each month at 7 p.m. at the Hood County Emergency Operations Center, 401 Deputy Larry Miller Drive.

Love Knots Loving Hands Ministry. The ministry needs people to crochet, knit or use a knitting loom to make gifts to comfort the ill, bereaved, infants, etc. 1-3 p.m. Acton Baptist Church fellowship hall, 3500 Fall Creek Highway. Details: 817-326-4693.

Second Mondays

Meeting of the Lake Granbury Art Association at 224 N. Travis St. at 6 p.m. Meeting includes business and a monthly demonstration from local and visiting artists. For questions call 361-510-6820 or email

Third Mondays

Granbury quilters Guild meets the third Monday each month at United Coop Electric, 320 Fall Creek Highway, 6 p.m. Details: 817-296-8186.

Love Knots Loving Hands Ministry. The ministry needs people to crochet, knit or use a knitting loom to make gifts to comfort the ill, bereaved, infants, etc. 1-3 p.m. Acton Baptist Church fellowship hall, 3500 Fall Creek Highway. Details: 817-326-4693.

WAMS (Western Area Modeling Society) radio control club meets at 6:30 p.m. at Spring Creek BBQ, 317 W. U.S. Highway 377. R/C aircraft, cars, boats, gliders, helicopters, etc. Details: 817-475-2194

First Tuesdays

Granbury Doll Club meeting, 2 p.m. Hood County Library, 222 N. Travis St., Granbury. All doll appreciators are welcome.

Second Tuesdays

Granbury Knitting Guild meets to knit, learn and share knitting tips each month at First Presbyterian Church Annex, 303 W. Bridge St. Coffee at 9:30 a.m. and meeting from 10-11:30 a.m.

Third Tuesdays

The Pecan Plantation Genealogy Group meets at the EMS Training Room, 9518 Monticello Drive behind the fire station. Everyone is welcome. You do not need to be a resident to attend. Tell gate security you are attending the genealogy meeting in the EMS Training Room. Questions? Email

Fourth Tuesdays

Hood County Historical Society meets the fourth Tuesday each month (except November and December) at 7 p.m. at the Historic Granbury Railroad Depot, 109 E. Ewell St. Contact Karen Nace 817-279-2995 for additional details.

Monthly meeting of the Granbury branch of the Mid-Cities Stamp Club at the Bentwater Activities Center, 1800 Emerald Bend Court at 7 p.m. Questions? 817-910-8174.

First Thursdays

Brazos River Corvette Club meets the first Thursday each month for fellowship, planning events and other business. Dinner, if desired, at 6 p.m., meeting from 7-8 p.m. at Spring Creek Barbeque, 317 E. U.S. Highway 377. Details:

Second Thursdays

Hood County CERT meets the second Thursday of every month at 6 p.m. at the Emergency Operations Center located at 401 Deputy Larry Miller Drive.

The Granbury EWMA, Chapter P motorcycle group meets at Spring Creek Barbeque, 317 W. U.S. Highway 377. Dinner and fellowship is at 6 p.m., an informal meeting is at 7 p.m. Group of pleasure riders who love to ride in Texas and beyond. Many Goldwing riders, also 2- and 3-wheelers, any and all riders are welcome.

Third Thursdays

The Hood Somervell A&M Club meets the third Thursday (except June, July and August) at Spring Creek BBQ located at 317 W. U.S. Highway 377 Granbury at 6 p.m., dining/social, 6:30 p.m. meeting. Other activities, fundraisers and meeting changes can be found at

The Hood County Democratic Club meets each month at 1410 Pearl St., Annex #1 at 7 p.m. Questions? Call 817-233-5453.

Third Fridays

Legacy Christian Academy of Granbury sponsors skating dates year round at Granbury Skating Rink from 10 a.m. to noon. All Christian music. $8 cash at the door. No outside food or drink.

Last Thursdays

Marine Corps League Detachment 1297 meeting at the American Legion Hall, 3409 Davis Road, Granbury. Chow is at 6 p.m., meeting at 7 p.m.

Second Saturdays

Second Saturday Showoff at Fuzzy’s Taco Shop, 115 W. Pearl St. Car show, 8:30-10:30 a.m.

Go Play! Calendar, Go Play, Calendar