Saturday, July 27, 2024

Granbury Mayor Pro Tem announces retirement


After almost three years of serving on the Granbury City Council, Mayor Pro Tem Steven Vale has officially announced his retirement following the end of his term in November.

Vale — who posted his official announcement on social media — stated that he and his wife, Lori, plan to pursue their passions for traveling, meeting new people and experiencing what it’s like to live in different parts of the country.

“Sometimes it becomes necessary to pause, reset, change your attitude and change your latitude,” his post reads.

Later this year, the couple also plans to relocate to an area close to where Vale grew up near Tampa, Florida.

"As such, I will not be seeking reelection to the Granbury City Council in November. I’ve always thought that serving in politics should be a temporary privilege, not a career,” he said.

The Vales first moved to Granbury in 2013 after Steven Vale retired from a 34-year career as director of sales at Kraft Foods.

Shortly after the couple settled in, Vale found a part-time job as a ramp attendant at the city-owned Granbury Regional Airport in 2014. This position, Vale said, merged his love of flying with part-time work.

“As a private pilot, this was the perfect fit for me and a way to start connecting with our community,” Vale told the Hood County News in 2021. “We are the welcoming point for our many guests coming into Granbury by air. I enjoy greeting visitors and giving them directions to hotels, shopping and restaurants in our beautiful community.”

It didn’t take long for Vale to get involved locally either, as he served as president, treasurer and secretary of his homeowner's association.

He also served on the city of Granbury Planning and Zoning Commission for three years and was subsequently elected to Granbury City Council in 2021, and mayor pro tem in December 2023.

Vale previously told the HCN he filed for the council seat because he had a desire to serve.

“My wife and I are very involved in our neighborhood, our church and our community,” he previously stated. “The council position gives me an opportunity to further support our community and the citizens of Granbury.”

Lori Vale also quickly immersed herself in various areas of serving in the community — most notably as a volunteer with Forward Training Center and Visit Granbury.

“We have always tried to be involved in and serve our community,” Steven Vale said on his social media post. “At this point in our life, we are ready to write the next chapter of our ‘true life adventure.’”

He said he has enjoyed his time serving on the Granbury City Council, as well as the relationships he has made along the way.

“I am proud of what I, along with my fellow council members, have accomplished during my time on council,” Steven Vale said. “I am committed to fulfill my responsibilities of city councilman through the end of my term with the same attention, determination and conviction as I have these last two-and-a-half years.”

He added the pair will forever cherish the memories and relationships they have made in Hood County as they forge on to a new life.

"We thank you for your love, support and friendship,” Steven Vale said. “The community of Granbury will always hold a special place in our hearts.”