Monday, September 30, 2024

United Way of Hood County: Humanitarian award recipients named


United Way of Hood County recently distributed four humanitarian awards for public service to individuals and organizations in Hood County.

Gordon Bond with Bond Arms, the Granbury Chamber of Commerce, James Brock with Brock’s Food and Drink, and Julia and Bob Pannell all received a humanitarian award from United Way of Hood County.

“These are all humanitarian awards for individuals, businesses and organizations that have shown exceptional community service,” said Kilena Underwood-Hawks, executive director of United Way of Hood County. “Each one of them has done something over and above, but more importantly, they just give back to Hood County like no one else.”

Gordon Bond with Bond Arms received the “Captain of the Team” Pacesetter Award.

The description of the award states, “The captains of any sports team are members who are leaders and who show the example to the whole team and what it means to be a true team player. This award is given to a pacesetter company that has shown excellent leadership and is setting the example for other pacesetters in what it means to be a team member of the United Way of Hood County.”

Underwood-Hawks said Bond’s “Operation Share the Kindness” program “blesses and pays it forward to those within our community.”

Bond started out by assisting United Way of Hood County during COVID-19 by paying for their funding. He also would randomly give out a $100 bill to someone at Walmart who he felt needed the extra help. His generosity and caring nature spread and he encouraged other members of United Way to hand out gift cards to strangers.

“I've had the opportunity to shock several people. You just give them a $100 bill and they just break down into tears because at that point that makes such a difference,” Bond said. “We appreciate and we support a lot of the local groups and we appreciate them (United Way) for giving us the award.”

“As a leader, he (Bond) has inspired his team and set the pace for others to do the same,” Underwood-Hawks added.

The Granbury Chamber of Commerce received the “Toni Brown-Belew Partner Agency” award.

The description states that this award is given to a partner agency “excelling in the role that they play in making Hood County a better place to live. This award recognizes significant achievements from the partner agency and are not going unnoticed by the United Way team.”

“The Chamber was instrumental in supporting businesses and (helping) citizens thrive during COVID and working hand-in-hand with United Way to facilitate services to our community,” Underwood-Hawks said.

James Brock with Brock’s Food and Drink received the “Because We Care” award, which is given to “companies, organizations and/or individuals who have made a difference in Hood County.”

During the months that COVID-19 was prevalent and during the summer when school wasn’t in session, Brock — along with his staff — provided free tacos and meals to children and seniors who would otherwise not have any means of obtaining food.

“It is a tremendous honor being honored by the United Way, but really all I have done is to try to act like a human being,” Brock said. “I try to promote human welfare, kindness, peace and love daily. Everyone keeps telling me that I ‘can’t change the whole world.’ The older I get I think maybe they are right, but I know I can make a difference in one small piece of this world — the place that we call home.”

Julia and Bob Pannell received the “Hank Stone” volunteer award — an award that is named after the volunteer who started United Way of Hood County. This award is given to individuals who have “demonstrated leadership, commitment and the willingness to go above and beyond to help United Way.”

“Julia Pannell with the support of her husband Bob, are Hood County’s SUPER volunteers, unselfishly giving their time and service to help many non-profit groups in the community fulfill their mission to serve others,” Underwood-Hawks said.

Each recipient of the 2021 United Way of Hood County humanitarian awards received a glass plaque commemorating them on their achievement.