The North Central Texas Civil War Round Table does not meet during the months of June, July, and August. We will next meet on Sept. 11, when our program will be brought by Dr. Rick McCaslin, of the University of North Texas History Department, who will speak on the cotton trade in Texas during the Civil War. More detail will be given in our September Hood County News column.
We have firmed up our scheduled speakers for the coming year. In addition to Dr. McCaslin in September, we will have the following speakers:
October 16, 2023—Dr. Andrew Bledsoe, Asst. Professor of History at Lee University
November 13, 2023---Dr. David K. Barnett, a renowned local historian
December 11, 2023—Bertram Hayes-Davis, a great-great grandson of Jefferson Davis
January 9, 2024---Dr. Leah Tarwater, Professor of History at Tarrant County College
February 12, 2024—Dr. Don Frazier, Director, The Texas Center at Schreiner University
March 11, 2024—Charles Pendleton, owner and curator of the Vicksburg Civil War Museum
April 8, 2024—Dr. Charles Grear, Professor of History, Central Texas College
May 13, 2024—Curt Fields, the nation’s preeminent U. S. Grant living historian
AUGUST IN THE CIVIL WAR—Following the defeat of the Union forces at Manassas in Juy, 1861, small battles and skirmishes occurred across the southern half of the nation, from eastern Virginia to southern New Mexico. The next large battle—and the first major battle west of the Mississippi River-- was the Battle of Wilson’s Creek, fought in southwestern Missouri on Aug. 10. There, although outnumbered almost two to one (12,000 Confederates against 7,000 Federal troops), Union General Nathaniel Lyon divided his force, sending a portion of it, under Colonel Franz Sigel, to attack the Confederates from the rear while he led the remaining force against the Confederate front. The Confederates, commanded by Generals Sterling Price and Ben McCulloch initially gave way, but soon formed lines of resistance and counter-attacked. General Lyon was killed, and the Federal troops were routed. The major Civil War battle to be fought in Missouri was a resounding Confederate victory.
DID YOU KNOW—The American Civil War is generally viewed as having been fought in three geographic “theatres”. The Eastern Theatre was generally those states along the Atlantic seaboard. The remaining states east of the Mississippi River made up the Western Theatre, and the Trans-Mississippi Theatre was the area west of the Mississippi River.
The North Central Texas Civil War Round Table meets on the second Monday of each month except June, July, and August, at 6:30 p.m., at Spring Creek Bar-B-Que, 317 Hwy 377 E in Granbury, and guests are always welcome. There is no charge for first time attendees. For more information, please refer to our website:, or call either David Wells, at 817-579-5769, or Bill Dyess, at 817-326-8216.
Civil War Round Tables exist in cities and communities worldwide. All are independent and share a common objective in promoting and expanding interest in the study of the American Civil War.