Diane Long
A Mississippi native who has been a Texas transplant for 29 years, Diane Long is a wife, mother, and former English teacher who has written Pecan Plantation Bits for 16 years cumulatively. She spends her time both gathering neighborhood news and collecting new books to read.
In conjunction with the Men’s Golf Association’s Member-Guest Tournament last weekend, residents of Pecan Plantation enjoyed an evening of live music at the clubhouse. Many thanks go to the Entertainment Committee and everyone who made the concert featuring Le Freak such a wonderful success. Pecaners may now look forward to the Labor Day street dance event.
Our community’s Green Thumb Garden Club keeps the common areas of our neighborhood in lovely shape, and members will be working at the front gate circle on Monday, Aug. 7 from 8 to 11 a.m. and at the back gate circle on Tuesday, Aug. 29. Volunteers are welcome to join.
A beginner pickleball clinic will take place Monday, Aug. 7 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the PAC gym. The event is free, and all interested pickleball players are welcome. In addition, the Pickleball Association now offers players a ball machine for hourly rental on the outdoor courts, and Pecan Pickleball towels are available for purchase.
The Pecan Plantation Art Guild will gather again on Tuesday, Aug. 8 at 10:30 a.m. at the PAC. Guests and potential new members are welcome. The guild asks residents to put Friday, Sept. 29 on the calendar for its annual (and greatly popular!) gallery night. Finally, congratulations go to Susan Parker for being chosen artist of the month for the guild.
Pecan’s Breakfast Club will meet again on Wednesday, Aug. 9 when the day’s mantra is “Bring a Friend” for the final gathering in a “Save-A-Life” series presented this year. Each attendee bringing a friend will be entered into a drawing where both the Pecaner and friend will vie to win a Breakfast Club coffee mug. Callie Crow, founder of Drews 27 Chains, will present a lifesaving Naloxone training. Breakfast service begins at 8 a.m. and the program at 9 a.m. Reservations are due by noon on Tuesday, Aug. 8.
After a very successful Member-Guest Tournament in July, the Men’s Golf Association looks forward to its Member-Guest weekend on Aug. 12 and 13. Visit the pro shop for complete information on the event: 817-573-2645.
The final Chit Chat luncheon of the Pecan Plantation Woman’s Club for the summer of 2023 will happen on Thursday, Aug. 17 with social time beginning at 10 a.m. and lunch being served at 11:30 a.m. All female Pecan residents are invited to join, and reservations are due by Friday, Aug. 11. Secure a spot by sending email to ppwcres@gmail.com or calling 361-215-4599. In addition, memberships for the 2023-2024 PPWC year are now available. Ladies may visit www.myppwc.com to join.
A weekly karaoke class is coming to the PAC beginning Tuesday, Aug. 15 and running through Tuesday, Sept. 12. The six-week class will feature Rebecca Faiola (professional singer and Pecan resident) instructing students about their vocal range style as well as how to choose songs that fit a voice. Mastering proper vocal warmups and techniques will also be part of the program, and students will showcase their talent at a “graduation” event at the clubhouse on Saturday, Sept. 23. Class size is limited, sign up at the PAC (817-573-7952), and email Rebecca for more information: rebeccashowbiz@gmail.com.
“Pecan Paint Along” at the PAC will happen Sunday, Aug. 20, from 1 to 4 p.m. when Kathy Yoders leads an afternoon of step-by-step instruction (no experience necessary) of acrylic painting. Participants may bring their own beverages and should wear an old shirt or apron. Register at the PAC: 817-573-7952.
Pecan’s Widows and Widowers Club will gather on Tuesday, Aug. 22 at 5:30 p.m. in the Terrace Room of the clubhouse for a hamburger meal and a program about Second Chance Farm. RSVP to Carly Mahaffey by Tuesday, Aug. 15 at noon: caryl.mahaffey@charter.net.
Nominations are currently being accepted for folks interested in serving a three-year term on the Volunteer Fire Department/Emergency Medical Service board of directors beginning Nov. 11. Resumes may be delivered to Rene Garrett at the emergency services compound or emailed to ppems@ppvfdems.com. Deadline for submission is Friday, Sept. 1.
In addition to its weekday and Saturday hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday hours of noon to 6 p.m., the PAC now holds Wednesday operating hours of 8 a.m. to noon. The PAC pool, however, will remain closed all day Wednesday for cleaning and maintenance.
Pecan’s Chef Jordan Ray has begun a new weekly feature for the Brazos Room each Wednesday. In addition to a wine and pizza pairing, the menu will also boast a blue-plate special featuring a different down-home favorite each week. Residents should watch email announcements revealing the featured “country classic” food.
dianedlong@yahoo.com | 817-579-9360