Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Granbury City Council election likely canceled


The candidate filing window for the Nov. 5 Granbury City Council election has officially closed. With the election now in sight, it appears voters will not need to head to the polls for this local race.

For council person Place 3, incumbent Bruce Wadley has filed for reelection, while council person Place 5 incumbent Steven Vale will not be seeking another term. Zeb Ullom has stepped forward to run for the Place 5 seat.

With both Wadley and Ullom running unopposed, the Granbury City Council is expected to cancel the election during its next meeting. The council will vote to officially declare Bruce Wadley and Zeb Ullom as elected to their respective places.

If approved, this action will streamline the process, avoiding the need for a formal election and confirming the continuation of Bruce Wadley’s service and the introduction of Zeb Ullom to the city council. The action will also save taxpayers the cost of holding an election.