Monday, February 17, 2025
Letters to the Editor

As a lifetime conservative republican, I will tell you that the Republican Party of Hood County has been hijacked by extremists who manipulate and seek to divide our party and control our county …

As a GISD graduate several years ago, I credit the teachers, facilities, and programs for my success as a good citizen, community contributor, and individual who tries to “give back.” …

Hello Sam. I am writing this letter is response to the inspiration I got from your weekly article. I related to the article and it reminded me of my youth days.

After 22 years of Naval service and 25 years of executive retailing (Costco, AutoZone, Estee Lauder), my wife and I have lived all over our country. When it came time to retire, we wanted to select a …

Maybe you are wondering why a sheriff is writing letters about the school bond proposals. It is because successful schools have a direct impact on a community’s crime rate. Recent studies …

Thanks cowboys! On Thursday, Oct. 21, my wife and I had lunch at Garcia’s restaurant

I spent countless hours asking my parents questions about the Bible's teachings as a child because I found it fascinating.

The latest attack on teachers expressed in the HCN demonstrates the narrow vision of those who do not have kids in our school district. Passing knowledge from one generation to the next is known …

I had to set the paper down after reading the rant by Shirley Stowe. It seemed to me she spent three long paragraphs berating educators as revenge for something the superintendent said. She started …

Some say, “Stop and smell the roses”, but drivers these days can’t be bothered to stop even when it’s the law. Lately I find myself impressed when a driver completes a full …

It was obvious to me, from her letter, that Shirley Stowe has never taught in a classroom. Teachers are special people. They have the often-thankless task of preparing the next generation …

I felt that borrowing this line from a great movie was an appropriate response to the letter to the editor in last week’s edition referencing educators in Granbury ISD. Every person, from the …

Yes, YOU. The educator reading this letter to the editor; YOU are SPECIAL. You help raise up the next generation of leaders in this community. You help the child who struggles to read, become …

I spent countless hours asking my parents questions about the Bible's teachings as a child because I found it fascinating. When I was around seven, I mentioned John 3:16. I then began bombarding my …

I was dismayed to read the Letter to the Editor last weekend from Shirley Stowe. Her verbal barrage toward the teachers, administrators, and staff of Granbury ISD, …

We are nation of survivors, children, and grandchildren of those won back-to-back World War championships and yet having a school board member go into a library with a lit cell phone causes "teacher staff and administrators to feel violated, disrespected and threatened".

I was driving East on Loop 567 approaching the Hwy 51 intersection recently when a service vehicle on the other side of the intersection made an abrupt U-turn and stopped on the side of the road. I …

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